John Manserra

Senior Financial Adviser | Director


What I find most rewarding about my role as a financial adviser is when you've been working with a client for some time, and you can see that they're starting to achieve their goals and the things they value most.

CFP®, BComm
Authorised Representative No. 325258

I know that many Australians miss the opportunity to seek financial advice. Historically, it has been overly complex and complicated for people to wrap their heads around what financial advisers do. And, too many people leave it until they are close to retirement to get advice.

I’d sat in front of too many clients for the first time who were just about to retire. But, they’d left it too late to make a significant impact on their retirement savings, and the result was that they were going to either have to work longer than they wanted to or would have to cut back their lifestyle in retirement.

By making smart financial decisions earlier in life, you can play the long game without having to make sacrifices now or in the future.

My idea of financial freedom is to keep active, travel, take Murphy (my bulldog), for a walk, drink plenty of coffee with family and friends, and most importantly, watch my mighty Carlton blues play on the weekend.

  • Certified Financial Planner®
  • Life Risk Specialist®
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
  • ICFS SMSF Specialist
  • LinkedIn

We want to change the narrative around financial advice, so younger Aussies have the opportunity to live an extraordinary life free from financial stress.